Thinking Out Loud On Evangelism, Part 2

In our last post we discussed the most recent refrain of, “I’ll be glad when things get back to normal”. By way of application to Christian evangelism the ‘normal’ among churches and individuals has developed into being non-evangelistic. Since God has called us to reach out and share the good news therefore, we should not go back to the normal of being non-evangelistic, but rather let us create a new normal of using every opportunity to reach out to the lost in our culture.

    John Nichols said in Sunday’s sermon that he was convicted that something was happening in the events of the last few months. Could it be that God is using these events to wake us out of our lethargy of non-evangelism? My daughter shared with me that she had been approached by three different ladies at her work asking her to help them find a church to attend. They were moved by all that was going on and felt a need for spiritual  things. My daughter under the ‘normal’ could not invite them to their church building. So under the ‘new normal’ she sent them a link to their online services. A few months ago this approach was not readily possible.  Hopefully, this is the beginning of leading these people to Christ.

   Yes, God is showing us a ‘new normal’.  Presently, we are doing more outreach than we have done in years. FB and YouTube are full of sermons, church services and devotionals by churches and preachers that have never reached out before. Even small, rural churches are using the ‘new normal’ that have never done so before. The wisdom of this approach fits in with our present culture. A small add in the paper listing the time of your services has never worked as a tool of evangelism. Announcing a gospel meeting in the local paper has never worked for unbelievers. People who might be interested are fearful of what they don’t know about and so they don’t come. Online services allows them to check things out before they attend. If we present God’s message of “good news” in a non-threatening way and follow up with personal contacts who knows what might happen. Yes, our God has a way of teaching us how to do things in ways we had never thought of before. Let us thank Him for these new opportunities.






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