The Path's Of God

I have tried to get into walking for exercise. But first it was too cold and now it is too hot. I wonder what my next excuse will be. I went to a park to walk because the path was level. I avoided another path because it was up hill at least one way.

 The path of life too often seems difficult. Are you having a difficult marriage? Are your children giving you a hard time? Are you caring for an aging parent or spouse?

When we experience such problems we are tempted to say, “Surely, a good God would not have me walk this hard path. There must be an easier path to travel.” But does the easier path make us into stronger children of God?

 The Psalmist said, “When my spirit was overwhelmed within me, then You knew my path.” (Ps. 142:3) That being the case we need to take the path God has marked out for us. After all “His ways are higher than our ways; His thoughts are higher than our thoughts.”(Isa. 55:9)






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