Strength In God

I have noticed several times since the Corona crisis that people post seriously or in humor that the lockdown is causing them to fall apart. They believe they cannot go another day in isolation from their friends, their church family, and their normal routine.Their emotions are in great distress. Wearing this mask, being unable to have a haircut, missing the hugs from my friends, having to homeschool their children are driving them crazy. In fact, it is serious enough to cause a great increase in domestic violence all over the country.

   In I Samuel we read a story about David and his men upon returning home from the battlefield to find their home city of Ziklag burned to the ground by the Amalekites and all their families were kidnapped by the Amalekites. “Then David and the people...lifted their voices and wept until there was no strength in them to weep.” (30:4) “...the people were embittered...” and “the people spoke of stoning him...” (30:7) David was as distressed as his soldiers were having lost his two wives.  But the scripture says “David strengthened himself in the Lord” (30:7)

    David could have fallen into self-pity and bitterness but he realized if he was to find any comfort he must go to the only source of aid he had. He went to God!  May I suggest to all of us that though it seems that our world is crashing down around us that we use this time to “strengthen ourselves in God”.






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