The Reins In God's Hands

The farmer and his young son were delivering a load of hay. The father asked his son, "Would you like to drive the wagon?" The boy tried to look manly when he took the reins from his father. The boy was thrilled for his father trusted him to be in control. But he was impatient and he sped up the mules so he could get home sooner and his siblings could see him in charge of the mules. The mules took to his encouragement and began to run.

   The wagon began to bounce. The trees began to whiz by. He began to try to slow the mules but nothing worked. He began to cry. And his father did nothing. Finally, he handed the reins to his father and said, "Here father, I don't want to drive anymore!"

   The nature of sin is to take the reins of our life out of God's hands and try to direct our own life. The key to being a Christian is to hand the reins back to God and say, "Here Father, I don't want to drive anymore."

   Jesus said at the cross, "Father into your hands I commit my spirit." (Luke 23:46)






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