Help Lord!

We all have known people or experienced ourselves situations in life where it was so desperate that the only words out of our lips was, “Help Me Lord!” I think such a desperate situation may be given to us to make us realize our desperate need of him.

In the time of the Judges over and over again God’s discipline of Israel’s disobedience was lengthy, 7 years (6:1), 8 years (3:8), 18 years (3:14), 20 years (4:3), and even 40 years (13:1).

The only way deliverance came to Israel was to come to desperation. That is well captured in 4:3, “Then the people of Israel cried out to the Lord for help, for he (Jabin) had 900 chariots of iron and he oppressed the people of Israel cruelly for 20 years.” When they finally cried out to God they found Him to be merciful and He sent Deborah to rescue them.

When we see all that is going on in America at this present time I wonder if we Christians would learn to cry out, “Help Us Lord” if we would find our God to be merciful? Yes, He surely would! Indeed, the time for prayer is here!

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