A Recipient Of Grace

Marian Anderson was a contralto of world wide fame. She was asked one time to tell the greatest moment in her life. She could have mentioned the day Arturo Toscanini said, "A voice like hers comes once in a century." Or she could have mentioned the day she became a delegate to the United Nations or the concerts she did for President Roosevelt and the Queen of England. Or in 1963 she was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Which day did she choose? She told the reporter that the greatest day of her life was the day she went home and told her mother that she would no longer have to take in washing to make a living.
She was not too proud of her humble beginning. Isa. 51:1 says, "Look to the rock from which you were hewn, and to the quarry from which you were dug."
Remember, we are not as high and mighty as we may think. Just remember that hole of sin you were in and who lifted you out of it. Dear friend, remember that you are a recipient of grace.

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