Celebrate Recovery will host Meeting Night this Tuesday at Collegeside church of Christ at 252 East 9th Street in Cookeville.
Meeting Schedule
5:15PM: Fellowship Meal
6:00PM: Large Group Meeting
7:00PM: Open Share Groups
5:15PM: Fellowship Meal
6:00PM: Large Group Meeting
7:00PM: Open Share Groups
Participants are welcome to attend one or all parts of Meeting Night. Anyone is welcome to attend any meeting at any
time. There is no cost to participate in CR. Free childcare provided.
For more information about CR, contact our CR Ministry Leader, Jared West, at 931-854-0222.
time. There is no cost to participate in CR. Free childcare provided.
For more information about CR, contact our CR Ministry Leader, Jared West, at 931-854-0222.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY is a Christ-centered recovery program designed to help people address a variety of hurts, habits and hang-ups.
What is the purpose of Celebrate Recovery?
THE PURPOSE OF CELEBRATE RECOVERY is to celebrate God´s healing power in our lives through the Twelve Steps and Eight Recovery Principles. This experience allows us to be changed. We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God´s grace in solving our lives´ problems.
What are hurts, habits and hang-ups?
A HURT is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or disturbing situation. Some common hurts are: Abandonment, Abortion, Abuse, Adoption, Betrayal, Dysfunctional family, Neglect, Rape and Rejection.
A HABIT is an unhealthy pattern that often starts as a perceived remedy for some problem in your life, but ends up turning into a chronic bad behavior or addiction. Some common habits are: Abusive behavior, Alcohol, Bitterness, Affairs, Critical spirit, Drugs, Eating disorders, Gambling, Gossip, Homosexuality, Isolation, Lying, Pornography, Self-mutilation, Sex addictions, Spending problems, Stealing, Unforgiveness, Wasteful pursuits and Workaholism.
A HANG-UP is a negative attitude used to cope with adversity. Some common hang-ups are: Anger, Anxiety, Codependency, Control freaks, Depression, Fear, Greed, Impatience, Laziness, Materialism, Perfectionism, Pride, Procrastination and Shame.
How does Celebrate Recovery work?
CR is built around the fellowship and accountability of a caring community. Participants can choose two attend one or both regular meetings: Step Studies and Meeting Nights.
CELEBRATE RECOVERY is a Christ-centered recovery program designed to help people address a variety of hurts, habits and hang-ups.
What is the purpose of Celebrate Recovery?
THE PURPOSE OF CELEBRATE RECOVERY is to celebrate God´s healing power in our lives through the Twelve Steps and Eight Recovery Principles. This experience allows us to be changed. We open the door by sharing our experiences, strengths and hopes with one another. In addition, we become willing to accept God´s grace in solving our lives´ problems.
What are hurts, habits and hang-ups?
A HURT is an emotional reaction to another person’s behavior or disturbing situation. Some common hurts are: Abandonment, Abortion, Abuse, Adoption, Betrayal, Dysfunctional family, Neglect, Rape and Rejection.
A HABIT is an unhealthy pattern that often starts as a perceived remedy for some problem in your life, but ends up turning into a chronic bad behavior or addiction. Some common habits are: Abusive behavior, Alcohol, Bitterness, Affairs, Critical spirit, Drugs, Eating disorders, Gambling, Gossip, Homosexuality, Isolation, Lying, Pornography, Self-mutilation, Sex addictions, Spending problems, Stealing, Unforgiveness, Wasteful pursuits and Workaholism.
A HANG-UP is a negative attitude used to cope with adversity. Some common hang-ups are: Anger, Anxiety, Codependency, Control freaks, Depression, Fear, Greed, Impatience, Laziness, Materialism, Perfectionism, Pride, Procrastination and Shame.
How does Celebrate Recovery work?
CR is built around the fellowship and accountability of a caring community. Participants can choose two attend one or both regular meetings: Step Studies and Meeting Nights.
A Step Study is a personal journey through the steps in a confidential group led by a facilitator who has completed a study. When you finish the study, you will have worked your hurts, habits, and hang-ups through each of the Twelve Steps. Schedules for these studies are communicated throughout the year as they become open.