Collegeside Children's Ministry - Birth through 6th Grade
Kidside supports the body in helping our children know the word of God deeply and our Savior personally. Come experience a safe, developmentally appropriate environment centered on Jesus that helps to equip, enrich, and engage our children in the Lord.
Bible Classes
Come join us for Bible Class each Sunday from 8:30-9:10 and Wednesday from 6:30-7:15
each week as we learn more about the life of Jesus.
Kidside supports the body in helping our children know the word of God deeply and our Savior personally. Come experience a safe, developmentally appropriate environment centered on Jesus that helps to equip, enrich, and engage our children in the Lord.
Bible Classes
Come join us for Bible Class each Sunday from 8:30-9:10 and Wednesday from 6:30-7:15
each week as we learn more about the life of Jesus.