We celebrate with Gail Smith on the birth of her great-great, grandson. He was born on Aug 12, 2022.
Our loving sympathy is expressed to Linda Berg, Laura Griner, and families for the passing of their father, Willard Norris Kelley. The funeral was yesterday.
Our heartfelt sympathy is expressed to Lauren Fox and family at the passing of her Grandfather, Maxey Jones. Visitation will be at Sumner Funeral and Cremation located at 104 Sanders Ferry Road in Hendersonville on Thursday, August 18 from 12pm-2pm. The graveside service will be at 2:45pm at Springhill Cemetary in Madison.
Our loving sympathy is expressed to Kara Beasley (our Kidside intern) for the passing of her great grandmother, Margaret Moody O'Neal Polk. The family is planning a Celebration of Life event at a later date.
Please pray for Joel Cowan, the grandfather of Marti and Brandon Neill. He is doing much better. Continue to pray for his healing.
Please pray for Leslie Satterfield’s parents, Tom & Dot Tomberlin. Tom is home and improving slowly. Continued prayers are requested.
Roger Fox had a successful back surgery last week.
Please continue to remember: Carolyn Acuff, Adele Birdwell, Norm Black, Bryan Britt, Debi Christiansen, Kaleb Etheridge, Paul Hodges, Lisa Johnson, Cheri McCormick, Greta Melton, Ann Pangle, Gary Sells, Nan Stewart, Jordan Terry, Caroline Vaughn, Don Wagnon, Misty Waller, & Alene Winton.
We celebrate with Gail Smith on the birth of her great-great, grandson. He was born on Aug 12, 2022.
Our loving sympathy is expressed to Linda Berg, Laura Griner, and families for the passing of their father, Willard Norris Kelley. The funeral was yesterday.
Our heartfelt sympathy is expressed to Lauren Fox and family at the passing of her Grandfather, Maxey Jones. Visitation will be at Sumner Funeral and Cremation located at 104 Sanders Ferry Road in Hendersonville on Thursday, August 18 from 12pm-2pm. The graveside service will be at 2:45pm at Springhill Cemetary in Madison.
Our loving sympathy is expressed to Kara Beasley (our Kidside intern) for the passing of her great grandmother, Margaret Moody O'Neal Polk. The family is planning a Celebration of Life event at a later date.
Please pray for Joel Cowan, the grandfather of Marti and Brandon Neill. He is doing much better. Continue to pray for his healing.
Please pray for Leslie Satterfield’s parents, Tom & Dot Tomberlin. Tom is home and improving slowly. Continued prayers are requested.
Roger Fox had a successful back surgery last week.
Please continue to remember: Carolyn Acuff, Adele Birdwell, Norm Black, Bryan Britt, Debi Christiansen, Kaleb Etheridge, Paul Hodges, Lisa Johnson, Cheri McCormick, Greta Melton, Ann Pangle, Gary Sells, Nan Stewart, Jordan Terry, Caroline Vaughn, Don Wagnon, Misty Waller, & Alene Winton.