##**How does Celebrate Recovery work?**##
Celebrate Recovery is built around weekly interaction and the fellowship and accountability of a caring community. This includes two regular meetings, Meeting Nights and Step Studies.
##**Meeting nights**##
Tuesday Nights – at Collegeside church of Christ
5:30-6:30 PM – Fellowship meal
WE WILL EAT TOGETHER and get caught up with what’s happening in each other’s lives. For newcomers, the meal is free.
6:30-7:30 PM – Large Group Meeting
THE LARGE GROUP MEETING is our general meeting, where all men and women participants gather for a time of worship, followed by either a testimony or a teaching. This is a totally relaxed, non-threatening gathering where someone can come and see what recovery is all about. No one needs to make a commitment at this meeting to share hurts, habits or hang-ups.
7:30-8:15 PM – Open Share Groups (men/women)
AT THE CONCLUSION of the Large Group meeting, participants are excused to attend small groups that are divided by men and women. These groups are a safe, non-judgmental and confidential place to share life’s struggles and victories. Sharing is optional at this meeting.
##**Step Studies**##
IN STEP STUDIES, participants are led through the 12- step process.
PARTICIPANTS ARE REQUIRED to discuss and answer questions at the end of each lesson. Weekly attendance is expected and necessary. It is here that the true healing takes place and lives are changed for Jesus. Sharing is mandatory at this meeting.
##**Statement of Safety**##
ANONYMITY AND CONFIDENTIALITY are basic requirements of Celebrate Recovery. As we trust in Jesus Christ to love the real us, we can begin to take off the “masks” that we use to protect ourselves. For this to happen, this must be a safe place. The safety of Celebrate Recovery is as strong as each of us makes it. Anyone you see here and anything you hear here, stays here.
##**Share Group Expectations**##
Celebrate Recovery Share Groups will:
• Provide you a safe place to share your experiences, strengths and hopes with others who are going through a Christ-centered recovery.
• Provide you with a leader who has gone through a similar hurt, habit or hang-up, who will facilitate the group as it focuses on a particular principle each week.
• Provide you with the opportunity to find an accountability partner or a sponsor.
• Encourage you to attend other recovery meetings held throughout the week.
Celebrate Recovery Small Groups will NOT:
• Attempt to offer any professional clinical advice. Our leaders are not counselors. We will provide you with a list of approved counseling referrals.
• Allow its members to attempt to fix one another.
We offer childcare for infants through age 10 at our Tuesday night meetings. Donations are welcome.