Daily Bible Reading Plan

Join us as we commit to reading and reflecting on scripture daily. There will be assigned readings for Monday through Friday.  Saturday and Sunday will be focused on reflection, prayer, and praise.
The plan includes specific readings through the Old and New Testaments focusing on different themes that help us grow as disciples of Jesus.  

FOUNDATIONS: Engaging and Personalizing the Gospel Message.
Collegeside Fall Reading Plan Part 1

Week 1: Why We Need A Savior
Monday (August 23)
Genesis 1
Genesis 5:1
James 3:9
Tuesday (August 24)
Genesis 3
Isaiah 59:1-2
1 John 1:8
Wednesday (August 25)
Romans 3:20-24
Romans 5:12
Ephesians 2:1-9
Thursday (August 26)
Leviticus 1:1-5
Leviticus 16:6-34
Leviticus 22:19-20
Deuteronomy 17:1
Friday (August 27)
1 Peter 1:18-20
Titus 1:2
John 3:1-18
Hebrews 9:12-14
Romans 5:8-10

Week 2: How Jesus Atones For Us
Monday (August 30)
Galatians 4:4-5
Luke 1:26-38
Matthew 1:21
Hebrews 9:11-10:7
1 Peter 1:18-20
1 John 2:1-2
Tuesday (August 31)
Leviticus 4, 5:17-19
Mark 1:9-13
Matthew 16:21-23
John 18:28-19:16
Hebrews 4:14-15
1 John 3:5
1 Peter 2:22-24
Wednesday (September 1)
John 1:29
John 19:17-37
Romans 5:6-10
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Ephesians 1:7
1 Peter 2:24
Thursday (September 2)
Luke 22:41-44
John 19:38-20:8
Matthew 28:1-10
Romans 4:24-25
Hebrews 2:14-15
1 Peter 1:3-6
Friday (September 3)
John 3:16-18
Acts 2:22-32
Acts 4:8-12
Romans 5:8-11
2 Corinthians 5:16-21
Colossians 1:15-23

Week 3: Our Response
Monday (September 6)
2 Peter 3:9
Mark 1:14-15
Acts 2:38
Acts 3:13-19
Acts 17:29-31
Tuesday (September 7)
Luke 12:8-10
Romans 10:9-10
1 John 1:8-10
1 John 2:23
Acts 4:12
Wednesday (September 8)
Matthew 3:13-17
Mark 16:16
Acts 2:14-41
Acts 8:26-38
1 Peter 3:18-22
Romans 6:1-18
Thursday (September 9)
John 1:12-13
Romans 8:16-17
Galatians 4:1-7
1 John 3:1-3
Romans 6:1-18
Friday(September 10)
John 8:34-36
Romans 6:1-18
Romans 8:1-4
Hebrews 2:14-15
1 John 3:1-10

Week 4: Our Responsibility
Monday (September 13)
Matthew 28:17-20
John 14:15-24
John 15:10-17
James 1:22-25
Romans 6:1-18
1 John 2:3-6
Tuesday (September 14)
Matthew 22:34-40
John 13:34-35
John 15:10-17
1 Corinthians 13
Philippians 2:3
Wednesday (September 15)
Matthew 25:34-40
Mark 10:41-45
John 13:1-20
Galatians 5:13
Hebrews 13:16
Thursday (September 16)
Isaiah 40:28-31
Romans 15:4,13
Hebrews 6:13-20
Hebrews 10:19-25
1 Peter 1:3-5
Friday (September 17)
Matthew 28:16-20
Mark 16:15-16
Romans 1:16
Romans 10:8-15
2 Timothy 4:1-5

OUTPOURING: A Study of the Psalms
Collegeside Summer Reading Plan
Our reading plan scripture for the summer is listed below. Take your study deeper by downloading our Summer Discipleship Guide. In the guide, you will find our summer schedule, daily reflections, resources for personal study, family study and community engagement. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THE SUMMER GUIDE.

Week 1
Day 1 (May 30): PSALM 8
Day 2 (May 31): PSALM 6
Day 3 (June 1): PSALM 98
Day 4 (June 2): PSALM 145
Day 5 (June 3): PSALM 150
Week 2
Day 6 (June 7): PSALM 3
Day 7 (June 8): PSALM 13
Day 8 (June 9): PSALM 55
Day 9 (June 10): PSALM 130
Day 10 (June 11): PSALM 142
Week 3
Day 11 (June 14): PSALM 30
Day 12 (June 15): PSALM 95
Day 13 (June 16): PSALM 100
Day 14 (June 17): PSALM 107
Day 15 (June 18): PSALM 136
Week 4
Day 16 (June 21): PSALM 28
Day 17 (June 22): PSALM 35
Day 18 (June 23): PSALM 59
Day 19 (June 24): PSALM 79
Day 20 (June 25): PSALM 109
Week 5
Day 21 (June 28): PSALM 1
Day 22 (June 29): PSALM 25
Day 23 (June 30): PSALM 34
Day 24 (July 1): PSALM 37
Day 25 (July 2): PSALM 112
Week 6
Day 26 (July 5): PSALM 24
Day 27 (July 6): PSALM 48
Day 28 (July 7): PSALM 93
Day 29 (July 8): PSALM 97
Day 30 (July 9): PSALM 99
Week 7
Day 31 (July 12): PSALM 121
Day 32 (July 13): PSALM 122
Day 33 (July 14): PSALM 125
Day 34 (July 15): PSALM 127
Day 35 (July 16): PSALM 131
Week 8
Day 36 (July 19): PSALM 46
Day 37 (July 20): PSALM 51
Day 38 (July 21): PSALM 84
Day 39 (July 22): PSALM 118
Day 40 (July 23): PSALM 23

Reading Plan: Rebuild – Ezra
Monday, May 17: Ezra 1
- Whose hearts does God move in Chapter 1?
- What does this show us about the power of God to move all people?
- Has God moved in your heart recently? Is there a way you need to respond to Him?

Tuesday, May 18: Ezra 2
- Genealogies can seem tedious, but God often includes them in scripture.
Why is this list of people and their number so important?
How does this exodus compare in scope and purpose to the exodus from Egypt?
- Consider verses 68-69. How did the returning exiles display their joy and thanksgiving in returning to Jerusalem?
What is the connection between generosity and gratitude?

Wednesday, May 19: Ezra 3
- For 2 years the returned exiles worshiped in circumstances that were not ideal.
What were some of their barriers to worship?
- Describe how the unity the returned exiles felt contributed to their fearlessness?
- How can fear destroy both unity and faith?

Thursday, May 20: Ezra 4
- What kind of tactics did the enemies of God use to disrupt Kingdom work in Ezra 4?
Which, if any, of the Enemy’s tactics were at least temporarily successful?
- Read Matthew 2:7-8 & 16, Matthew 4:1-11, Luke 23:1-5.
How did Jesus face the same tactics?
Which, if any, of the Enemy’s tactics were at least temporarily successful?
- Have you faced any of these same tactics in your relationship with the Lord or in service
to the Kingdom? Which, if any, of the Enemy’s tactics were at least temporarily successful?
How have you overcome them? Which do you still struggle with?

Friday, May 21: Ezra 5
- Who does God send with a message to Zerubbabel according to verse 1?
(See Haggai 1-2 and Zechariah 2 for the message.)
- What does it teach us about God that He sends encouragement when His workers are discouraged and facing opposition?
- How has God provided encouragement for you when you felt like giving up on Kingdom
work or, for a time, did? Have you ever missed God’s provision because of discouraging
circumstances only to realize what God was trying to provide later? Why is
discouragement such an effective tactic of the Enemy?

Saturday, May 22: Reflect
- The first half of the book of Ezra ranges from enthusiasm and joy to fear and discouragement.
Yet, no matter how the people felt, their call remained the same: rebuild Jerusalem.
Jesus has given us a call to live out no matter how we feel: share the gospel and make disciples.
- Reflecting on what you’ve learned in these 5 chapters,
how can you live out Jesus’ call for your life regardless of your circumstances?
- What have you learned about God in Ezra 1-5 that makes you more confident in living out Jesus’ call for your life?

Sunday, May 23: Pray
- Spend time in prayer asking God to move in your heart, to help you increase in thanksgiving and generosity, to overcome fear,
 to recognize the tactics the Enemy is using to get in the way of your Kingdom work,
and for eyes to see god’s provision even in discouraging circumstances.

Monday, May 24: Ezra 6
- Read verses 12-13. If earthly Kings expects obedience and his decrees are carried out with diligence, what does our Heavenly King expect?
- What is the penalty for disobeying the earthly king? (see 6: 11-12) What is the penalty for disobeying the Heavenly King? (see Romans 6:23)
- How do you obey the Heavenly King: with diligence and joy or with compromise and begrudgingly?
- What is the connections between verses 13-22 and Ezra 5:5?

Tuesday, May 25: Ezra 7
- Read verses 9 and 27-28. What was on Ezra? How was Ezra able to recognize God’s help and provision in his life? See verse 10.
- How did Ezra’s confidence in the Word and in God’s presence display itself in his life? See verse 28.
- What would you do if you were confident the gracious hand of God was on you?

Wednesday, May 25: Ezra 8
- Consider the problem facing these exiles in verses 15-20.
Why would Levites have been essential for temple protocol?
What do we learn about Ezra by the fact that he didn’t compromise God’s instructions but sent messengers to bring Levites on the journey?
How can we apply this principle to our own live?
- Read verses 21-23. How does Ezra’s honesty describe the intersection of faith and fear?
Would you have made the same choice as Ezra?

Thursday, May 26: Ezra 9
- Why did God tell Israel not to intermarry with foreign people? See Exodus 34: 11-16, Deuteronomy 7:1-6.
- How does Ezra react when he finds out about the sins of the people?
Considering Ezra had not married a foreign woman, do you think his reaction is extreme?
How do you respond when you see sin in the world?

Friday, May 27: Ezra 10
- How did the people respond when they saw Ezra’s reaction?
How do you respond when someone points out sin in your own life?
- What does sending the foreign spouses away symbolize for 21st century disciples?

Saturday, May 22: Reflect

Sunday, May 23: Pray

April 12-May 16:  Reading Plan:  Mighty God
Week 1: April 12-18
Memory Verse: Numbers 23:19
Monday, April 12: Genesis 3
Tuesday, April 13: Exodus 14
Wednesday, April 14: Deuteronomy 20
Thursday, April 15: Joshua 1
Friday, April 16: 
Joshua 23
Saturday, April 17: Reflect on what you have learned about God this week. Rest in the presence of God.
Sunday, April 18: Pray for an open heart to receive the word during the coming week.
Praise God for what He has taught you through His word over the previous week.

Week 2: April 19-25
Memory Verse: Jeremiah 32:17
Monday, April 19: 1 Samuel 17
Tuesday, April 20: 2 Kings 6:1-23
Wednesday, April 21: 2 Chronicles 20:1-30
Thursday, April 22: Isaiah 41
Friday, April 23: 
Isaiah 43
Saturday, April 24: Reflect on what you have learned about God this week. Rest in the presence of God.
Sunday, April 25: Pray for an open heart to receive the word during the coming week.
Praise God for what He has taught you through His word over the previous week.

Week 3: April 26-May 2
Memory Verse: Job 42:2
Monday, April 26: Jeremiah 1
Tuesday, April 27: Jeremiah 23
Wednesday, April 28: Habakkuk 3
Thursday, April 29: Matthew 10
Friday, April 30: 
John 10
Saturday, May 1: Reflect on what you have learned about God this week. Rest in the presence of God.
Sunday, May 2: Pray for an open heart to receive the word during the coming week.
Praise God for what He has taught you through His word over the previous week.

Week 4: May 3-9
Memory Verse: Hebrews 13:8
Monday, May 3: Romans 8
Tuesday, May 4: 1 Corinthians 15:1-28
Wednesday, May 5: Ephesians 6
Thursday, May 6: James 4
Friday, May 7: 
1 Peter 5
Saturday, May 8: Reflect on what you have learned about God this week. Rest in the presence of God.
Sunday, May 9: Pray for an open heart to receive the word during the coming week.
Praise God for what He has taught you through His word over the previous week.

Week 5: May 10-16:
- Reflect on what God has revealed to you during the last 4 weeks.
- Continue to write the memory verses on your heart.
- Share your insights and observations with someone.
- See out another person and ask for their insights and observations.

March 8-April 4 Reading Plan: Hope In The Coming King
Week 1
March 8: The Suffering Servant -Isaiah 53
March 9: Jesus Anointed by Mary- John 12: 1-19
March 10: Jesus Predicts and Explains His Death - John 12:20-50
March 11: Jesus’ Triumphal Entry- Matthew 21: 1-27
March 12: Jesus Teaches to Remain Watchful- Mark 13
March 13: Reflect and Respond
March 14: Prayer and Praise

Week 2
March 15: Plot Against Jesus - Luke 22: 1-53
March 16: Jesus Washes the Disciples’ Feet- John 13
March 17: The Last Supper- Matthew 26:1-30
March 18: Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane- Mark 14:1-42
March 19: Jesus Prayer in the Garden -John 17
March 20: Reflect and Respond
March 21: Prayer and Praise

Week 3
March 22: Jesus Predicts Peter’s Denial- Matthew 26: 31- 35
March 23: Jesus Arrested- Mark 14:43-72
March 24: Peter Denies Jesus -Matthew 26:36-75
March 25: Jesus Before Pilate - John 18:28-19:27
March 26: Jesus’ Death and Burial- Matthew 27: 27- 66
March 27: Reflect and Respond March
March 28: Prayer and Praise

Week 4
March 29: The Angel and the Tomb - Matthew 28
March 30: Mary’s Report- John 20: 1-23
March 31: The Road to Emmaus- Luke 24:13-35
April 1: Jesus’ Time with Disciples -John 20:24- 21:25
April 2: The Great Commission and the Ascension- Mark 16
April 3: Reflect and Respond
April 4: Prayer and Praise

January 4 - February 28 Reading Plan
Monday, January 4 - Genesis 22
Tuesday, January 5 - Deuteronomy 6
Wednesday, January 6 - Deuteronomy 7
Thursday, January 7 - Deuteronomy 8
Friday, January 8 - 2 Kings 5
Saturday, January 9 - Reflection
Sunday, January 10 - Prayer & Praise

Monday, January 11- Ezekiel 36
Tuesday, January 12- Psalm 37
Wednesday, January 13- Proverbs 11
Thursday, January 14- Romans 6
Friday, January 15- 1 Corinthians 6
Saturday, January 16 - Reflection
Sunday, January 17- Prayer & Praise

Monday, January 18- 2 Corinthians 3
Tuesday, January 19- Galatians 5
Wednesday, January 20- Ephesians 1
Thursday, January 21- Ephesians 2
Friday, January 22- Ephesians 3
Saturday, January 23 - Reflection
Sunday, January 24- Prayer & Praise

Monday, January 25- Ephesians 4
Tuesday, January 26- Ephesians 5
Wednesday, January 27- Ephesians 6
Thursday, January 28- Colossians 1
Friday, January 29- Colossians 2
Saturday, January 30 - Reflection
Sunday, January 31- Prayer & Praise

Monday, February 1- Colossians 3
Tuesday, February 2- Colossians 4
Wednesday, February 3- 1 Thessalonians 1
Thursday, February 4- 1 Thessalonians 2
Friday, February 5- 1 Thessalonians 3
Saturday, February 6 - Reflection
Sunday, February 7- Prayer & Praise

Monday, February 8 - 1 Thessalonians 4
Tuesday, February 9 - 1 Thessalonians 5
Wednesday, February 10 - 1 Timothy 1
Thursday, February 11 - 1 Timothy 2
Friday, February 12 - 1 Timothy 3
Saturday, February 13 - Reflection
Sunday, February 14- Prayer & Praise

Monday, February 15 - 1 Timothy 4
Tuesday, February 16- 1 Timothy 5
Wednesday, February 17 - 1 Timothy 6
Thursday, February 18 - 2 Timothy 1
Friday, February 19 -  2 Timothy 2
Saturday, February 20 - Reflection
Sunday, February 21- Prayer & Praise

Monday, February 22 -  2 Timothy 3
Tuesday, February 23-  2 Timothy 4
Wednesday, February 24 - 2 Peter 1
Thursday, February 25 - 2 Peter 2
Friday, February 26 -  2 Peter 3
Saturday, February 27 - Reflection
Sunday, February 28- Prayer & Praise