Collegeside Men’s Ministry Bible Study
Our Men’s Ministry currently has Bible Study every Tuesday from 7-7:45am in Teenside. We now have a Remind updates service for this ministry. Text the message @csidemen to the number 81010 to subscribe.
Heartfelt Friends
Every Heartfelt group will meet for a JOINT SEPTEMBER MEETING on Sunday, September 8th. Plan to join us that afternoon. We’re excited to meet each of you!
Info Meeting for DR Mission Trip
On Sunday, September 8th, there will be an informational meeting about a Family Mission Trip to the Dominican Republic with Manna Global from March15-30. The meeting will be in the Auditorium immediately following our Sunday Assembly. See John Nichols for any questions.
Manna Global Missions
Manna Global Missions will be celebrating 25 years of work in the Dominican Republic with an in-person celebration right here in Cookeville, TN, on the weekend of September 20-22. Our Collegeside family is invited, and we hope you will join us to celebrate the work that has been done and learn more about where we believe the Lord is leading us. In addition to being a part of the celebration, we also need your help! Several people are coming from out of state and even out of the country to be at this event, and we would like to have some things in place to make their trips affordable and convenient. If you want to help with the following, please contact Jill Mynatt at We appreciate any help! Please reach out if you have any questions. Thanks in advance for helping us celebrate this exciting milestone!
Provide lodging for a family or two at your home.
Providing transportation to or from the Nashville airport.
Providing a meal for one of our gatherings.
Helping with childcare during some of our sessions.
Donating to help cover the cost of the event and the travel expenses of our overseas missionaries.
James127 Ministry
Our James 127 Widows' Group will meet on August 31st at 11:30 a.m. at Kandis Moss's home. Lunch is provided. This ministry is for all ages. Please RSVP to
Ladies Connect Lunch
The Ladies Connect Lunch will be on Wednesday, September 18th at 11:30am in the Gap. The cost for lunch is $10. Please RSVP to the church office.
Prayer Team
You are invited to join the prayer team on Thursday at 11:30 am in Room 105. Luke 4:18 says, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor”.
Bread For Life
Our pantry is collecting Ramen Noodles this week. Please drop your food items in the bin outside the Worship Center in the lobby. Bread for Life is also accepting donations of clothing and are in need of grocery bags. Our pantry served 155 families last week.