This week:

-A devotional thought from Cameron Reed
-Access this year's reading plan and sign up to write a Family Devo or Bio
-Reminders about upcoming opportunities at Collegeside

Family Devotional
Cameron Reed

Hey church family! I’d like to direct our thoughts to the readings this past week from the book of Judges.

In Judges 4-15, we see some of the better-known judges working salvation for Israel, Deborah and Barak, Gideon, and Samson to name a few. These are all epic narratives where these judges, empowered by the Lord, deliver the Israelites from their oppressors. There is a cycle that presents itself in Judges. The Israelites are in peace, then they forget the Lord and do evil in His sight, which leads to their enslavement. They call out to the Lord, and He raises up a judge who delivers them and grants them peace for a time. This cycle is often referred to as the “Sin Cycle” or “Cycle of Sin” in Judges.

While sin certainly plays a part in this cycle, I prefer to look at this cycle in a different light. I enjoy listening to a podcast by Marty Solomon that explores the Bible. He suggests that rather than this being a narrative that focuses on the sin of Israel (which is definitely present), the book of Judges reveals God’s bottomless patience for His people and His endless pursuit of those who seek to follow Him. Over and over again, the Israelites stumbled and fell away from God, but every time they did, God delivered them from their enemies. Sometimes it took decades for Israel to remember Him and cry out to Him, but every time they did, He sent salvation to them. God does not let the sin and messiness of His people stop Him from pursuing us. There is indeed a cycle present in the book of Judges, and while it is true to call it a “sin cycle” I find it more fitting to see it as a redemption cycle. Over and over again God redeems His people.

It is easy to read the book of Judges and see the sin of Israel. It is after all, right there in front of you as you read. But when we focus on the redemption from that sin rather than the sin itself, we are able to see God’s amazing patience and grace. That patience and grace is good news. If you’re anything like me, the ups and downs of the Israelite people in Judges are all too familiar in your own life. There are times when I can tell I’m doing well and chasing after the Lord with everything I have, only to trip up a few days later wondering what happened. But every time I fall, I can come back to the Lord, and He is there, waiting for me. God’s redemption keeps coming around.

Be blessed this week church family!


May 29th - Praise & Harmony Workshop
June 1st-7th - Worship Leader Institute
July 1st-5th - Short Mountain Bible Camp
July 14th-17th - Vacation Bible School

Go Deeper

Whether you are studying alone or in a group, check out these available resources.

1. Use the Right Now Media Bible Study Library

Right Now Media is considered the "Netflix of Bible Study Resources". It provides thousands of studies on various subjects as well as great content for our children. This resource is provided for free to all members at Collegeside. If you already have it, take advantage of Right Now Media for an easy at-home Bible Study. If you do not have access, please email and we will help you register. 

2. Use Discovery Bible Study to have your own home Bible Study.

The Discovery Bible Study is a great tool that allows you to walk through any passage from scripture.
As you read, consider the following questions:
HE IS: What do we learn about God?
WE ARE: What do we learn about People?
I WILL: How will I put this passage into practice?
YOU CAN: Who do you know that needs to hear this? 

NEW DAY RESOURCES from the North Boulevard Church of Christ provided downloadable Bible studies and instruction on how to use DBS. Click the button below for more information. 

Can you share a Family Devo or a Bio in 2024? Please sign-up below.