This week:

-A devotional from Bebo and Kathy Mattson.
-Access this year's reading plan
-Reminders about upcoming opportunities at Collegeside

Family Devotional
Bebo and Kathy Mattson

Hello, Church family!

We are Bebo and Kathy Mattson. We are very blessed to have been a part of the Collegeside family for the past 35 years. We have three children and seven grandchildren. We have worked in various ministries in the church during our time here. Currently, we teach the four-year-old Sunday school class on Sunday mornings. We enjoy many of the Seniorside activities. I (Bebo) serve as a church shepherd, and Kathy is involved with Heartfelt Friends. Our photo is from a recent trip to Alaska, which we thoroughly enjoyed!

Our study today comes from the book of Proverbs. Proverbs was written by Solomon, the wisest man who had ever lived. The book shares hundreds of passages that express wisdom, knowledge, and how to live successfully. These proverbs state that “fear of the Lord is the foundation of true knowledge.”(1:7) 

Respect for God is the foundation for these wise sayings. It helps us distinguish between the way of the wise and the way of the fool. We are going to look at part of chapter 6 which is subtitled “lessons for daily life.”  Solomon says not to be trapped by putting up money for a friend’s debt. Don’t wait – get yourself out of that situation! They compare it to a gazelle escaping from a hunter or a bird fleeing from a net! We need to follow the example of the ant –  they labor hard all summer to prepare for the winter. We do not want to be a lazybones or poverty could come to haunt us! We are all supposed to work! 

The next section of this chapter talks about 7 things that the Lord hates or even detests— we should take notice of this!  God hates haughty eyes- those  that look down on others or think of themselves more important than other people! We need to be humble! God hates a lying tongue. We must be true to our word! God hates hands that kill the innocent and a heart that plots evil. Our heart should be filled full of love and compassion towards others. God also hates a heart that would try to plan something evil and feet that race to do wrong. He mentions again he hates a person who tells lies about others. I think Solomon is trying to tell us our heart must be clean and pure for God to be pleased with us. Do you know a person who likes to “keep things stirred up” and cause problems in their family? God does not want this for us.

The next few verses state,” my son, obey your father‘s commands, and don’t neglect your mother’s instruction. Keep their words, always in your heart. Tie them around your neck. When you walk, their council will lead you. When you sleep they will protect you. When you wake up, they will advise you. For their command is a lamp and their instruction a light.” (20-23) We should continually pray to God to give us wisdom. I know we both need more! Keep reading Proverbs—it gives you some good practical advice to live a  life that is pleasing to God.


Connect Sundays - August 18th and 25th
Ladies Retreat- August 16-17
UCSC Welcome Retreat- August 23-24
Ice Cream Social  and Singing - August 25th

Go Deeper

Whether you are studying alone or in a group, check out these available resources.

1. Use the Right Now Media Bible Study Library

Right Now Media is considered the "Netflix of Bible Study Resources". It provides thousands of studies on various subjects as well as great content for our children. This resource is provided for free to all members at Collegeside. If you already have it, take advantage of Right Now Media for an easy at-home Bible Study. If you do not have access, please email and we will help you register. 

2. Use Discovery Bible Study to have your own home Bible Study.

The Discovery Bible Study is a great tool that allows you to walk through any passage from scripture.
As you read, consider the following questions:
HE IS: What do we learn about God?
WE ARE: What do we learn about People?
I WILL: How will I put this passage into practice?
YOU CAN: Who do you know that needs to hear this? 

NEW DAY RESOURCES from the North Boulevard Church of Christ provided downloadable Bible studies and instruction on how to use DBS. Click the button below for more information. 

Can you share a Family Devo or a Bio in 2024? Please sign-up below.