Celebrate Recovery Update


Due to COVID-19, CR will not have Meeting Nights or Step Studies through the month of April. That includes the fellowship meal, Large Group Meeting, Open Share Groups. A decision about meetings after April will be communicated at the appropriate time.


In lieu of meetings, we are sharing even more content than usual on our Facebook page, including daily video devotionals. Over the past few days, we have shared video devotionals from Steve Garrett, Linda Weeks, Jared West, Brad Brown, Allison West, Laura Brown, Susan Johnson, Danielle Meck, David Johnson, Andy Neilson and Karen Neilson.

Visit the page here: https://www.facebook.com/celebraterecoverycookeviile/


Our hearts grieve and long for our program participants during this time we are unable to be together. Know this, the community that you have relied on to overcome your hurts, habits, and hang-ups is still here. We may not be able to assemble together, but we are still here. Please don’t fall into isolation. Connect anyway you can. Text each other, call each other, and feel free to video chat with each other. In recovery you have made many relationships with those whom you know you can trust. Continue to turn to these individuals. Turn to your accountability partners and sponsors. Turn to those you know you can trust.


Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-centered recovery program that helps people overcome hurts, habits and hang-ups. CR is built around the fellowship and accountability of a caring community. Participants can choose two attend one or both regular meetings: Step Studies and Meeting Nights.

A Step Study is a personal journey through the steps in a confidential group led by a facilitator who has completed a study. When you finish the study, you will have worked your hurts, habits, and hang-ups through each of the Twelve Steps. Schedules for these studies are communicated throughout the year as they become open.

Meeting Nights are held every Tuesday night here at Collegeside. Anyone is welcome to attend these meetings at any time. We have a fellowship meal from 5:30-6:00 in our Teenside area. Our Large Group Meeting is from 6:00-7:00 in the auditorium. And our Open Share Groups are from 7:00-7:45 in various classrooms. You are welcome to attend any or all three parts of the meeting. The meal is $2 for adults and $1 for kids. Childcare for ages 2-10 is provided at no cost. Every week, we have a Newcomers 101 class to help first-time guests get introduced to CR. There is no cost to participate in CR.

For more information, visit Collegeside.org/CR

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