Almost Home

In 1994 Janice and I flew to Vienna, Austria to visit our daughter and husband who were involved in mission work in Brno, Czech Republic and cities in Poland and the Ukraine. We spent a few days in a hotel in St. Johann, Austria. We woke up on Sunday morning to 14 inches of snow. With no church of Christ near we decided to attend a Catholic church down the street from the hotel.
One thing stood out immediately. They had no heat and we nearly froze even with heavy coats, gloves, scarves, extra socks and warm boots. But amazingly the building was full. It was not that the power was off. They never had heat!  I suspect that most of our modern Christians would get up and go home if they learned the heat was off. The Bible warns, “not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some...” (Heb. 10:25)
I was surprised and comforted a bit when they had acapella songs, an opening and closing prayer, preaching, and communion (their version of it). If I had shut my eyes I would have thought I was back home!
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