Son of Encouragement
Our grandson, Taylor was born weighing 1 lb., 11 oz. He was in intensive care for months. He survived all of that but was left with cerebral palsy that affected his speech and ability to walk. For a number of years he participated in Special Olympics. I remember on one occasion he was engaged in a fifty yard dash with one other contestant. Taylor took off like a shot while the other boy took a few steps and fell. Taylor realized that the boy fell and came back to help him up. Needless to say tears were shed by all of us.
Acts 4:36 tells about a man named Barnabus "which translated means Son of Encouragement". The church sent him to Antioch and he "began to encourage them all..." (Acts 11:23) Isn't that what Christ followers are supposed to do? We are to model the love of Jesus, our Lord. Imagine what would happen if we Christians began to encourage one another. "Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds." (Heb. 10:24) It would also cure us of our independent spirit!
Acts 4:36 tells about a man named Barnabus "which translated means Son of Encouragement". The church sent him to Antioch and he "began to encourage them all..." (Acts 11:23) Isn't that what Christ followers are supposed to do? We are to model the love of Jesus, our Lord. Imagine what would happen if we Christians began to encourage one another. "Let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds." (Heb. 10:24) It would also cure us of our independent spirit!
Posted in Seniorside
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