The Way To A Man's Heart

I have always heard it said that, “The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” In other words if you keep a man’s basic needs met you will be able to get along with him. This is often offered as good advice to newly married women. It strikes me that there is an even quicker way to a man’s heart and that is through his wallet.
In Acts 19 we are told about a man named Demetrius. His goal was to stop the growth of “the Way” or the Christians and arrest the rabble-rouser, Paul. (19:23) He expressed concern that the “great goddess Artemis be regarded as worthless” if they didn’t stop this new religion. Certainly, we could understand a man defending his god or goddess.  But was this the real issue to Demetrius?
But if you read a a few verses earlier you can see his real concern. (19:24-27) He wasn’t particularly concerned with his religion but rather his pocketbook, “Men, you know that our prosperity depends upon this business.”(v. 25) What was the business? As silversmiths they made gods and goddesses to sell to the public. The way to his heart was through his pocketbook!
Is it possible that the church today is in its death woes because our underlying interests are financial rather than spiritual? We may show some interest in the things of God but we have no passion. Sadly, our passion is reserved for the pocketbook! We would do well to remember “that it is the Lord your God who gives you the power to become rich.” (Deut. 8:18
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