Teenside Daily Devotional

Read Matthew 10:16-25.

The apostles were endangered because the message of Jesus threatened the theological leaders of Israel, who were willing to silence it by any means necessary. Jesus was commissioning them to share it anyway, informing them ahead of time that they will not be liked by everyone they encounter. Yet, at the end of it all, Jesus promises salvation to those that persevere (this is the theme of James 1). We know that the apostles go, and they are delivered through this mission and trial.

Again, while this does not directly apply to our opportunities to minister within a nation where we have the freedom of religion (we do not have nearly as much to fear as the apostles in regards to non-Christians’ retaliations against us), the principle of this passage is that wherever Jesus is hated, we will be too. That is the burden of being a disciple of Christ. However, bearing his name is much more so a privilege! We carry the greatest message ever received within us. We should consider ourselves blessed that we received it at all, let alone get the opportunity to share it with others. And as mentioned before, we are promised salvation, and in verse 23, we are reminded that Jesus will return! If you ever endure hardship on behalf of Christ, then do not forget about everything that he has promised and will bring to completion!

*Take a moment to journal these questions. Write down your thoughts, questions, and concerns. Then date your entry. One of the coolest things is being able to look back and see how God came through for you.*

  1. What do you think Jesus is meaning when He tells the disciples that they are “sheep among wolves” so they must be “wise as serpents and innocent as doves” (v.16)? 

  1. What is the disciples defense against people who rise up against them (v.19-20)? Don’t miss this because it is applicable for you as well. Have you ever been nervous that you will not be able to defend your faith or the things you believe? What confidence can you gain from these verses?

  1. There’s a promise in verse 22. If you endure to the end, you will be saved. Paul echoes this when he says to not grow weary in doing good (Galatians 6:9) and to run the race set before us (Hebrews 12:1-2). What does it mean to endure? Why do you think that this concept is so prominently spoken about in the bible? What implications does it have for your life?

Prayer: Spend some time praying about the things you journaled. Pray that God would help you not grow weary in doing good and run the race He has set before you. Thank Him for the confidence He has given you through His Spirit. Even in hardship we are not alone and our defense is rooted in the truth that the Spirit speaks. Pray that in every situation you would be as wise as a serpent, discerning the correct time and place to speak on God’s behalf, and as innocent as a dove, having the good of others and God’s Kingdom in mind.

Song: So Will I- Hillsong United

Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/169Fs68hROYRdS362T8D9w
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