Teenside Daily Devotional

Read Matthew 11:20-24.

Jesus has no problem with calling out the cities which have rejected him and the repentance he preaches. We know that the cities that he lists here are among his most visited. Jesus performed many miracles in these cities. He refers to them as “mighty works”. Yet, the inhabitants of these places refuse to see them as a sign that Jesus is the Messiah. Or, even if they do, they don’t care. He even goes as far as to compare them to Sodom, a city known in the Old Testament for being one of the most wicked places to ever exist, saying that judgment day will be better for them than these cities. These words were not to be taken lightly.

It is easy to look at these examples and think “I would have no trouble doubting who Jesus was if he did that here.” However, we cannot lean on this logic too heavily. Just because Jesus did not come in person to our town and perform miracles in front of us does not give us any excuse to doubt who he is or reject the repentance he brings. In fact, the people of our world are without excuse since God shows his divine power and existence through his creations (Romans 1:20). We need to be convinced of the truth within Scripture, namely that Jesus is who he says he is. One of the enemy’s greatest weapons is doubt, and the Word is our best defense against this! Invest time in His Word, meditate on it, and believe it is true.

*Take a moment to journal these questions. Write down your thoughts, questions, and concerns. Then date your entry. One of the coolest things is being able to look back and see how God came through for you.*

  1. Whether John is struggling because he is losing hope or his disciples are, what does He chose to do? How does Jesus respond to John?

  1. Now, take a closer look at His response: Jesus could have responded more harshly in calling out the disbelief, but instead He reminds John and his disciples who He is by giving them something tangible to cling to. The beautiful thing about this is this is still the way Jesus responds. When we come to Him and acknowledge that we are losing hope, He points us directly towards His faithfulness in our lives. What a gentle yet tangible reminder that the God who came through for us in the past will come through for us in the present and in the future. Where are you losing hope? Where do you need to remember the faithfulness of God in your life? How has God been faithful to you?

  1. Although the reminder of who Jesus is would have been enough for John, Jesus doesn’t stop there. He affirms John’s character and his calling. Wow. I believe that He wants to do the same for you when your heart is heavy and it is a struggle to march forward. Here are three verses to remind you of Jesus’s promises to you: Galatians 6:9; 1 Peter 2:9; John 15:16. What character and calling is Jesus trying to affirm in you? How does recognizing this affirmation push you to keep running the race? 

Read Romans 5:3-5 *emphasis on verse 5*

Prayer: Spend some time praying about the things you journaled. Acknowledge the places where you are losing hope. Ask Jesus to reveal Himself and His faithfulness to you. Once you have those gentle reminders of faithfulness, proclaim them. Bless the Lord by declaring who He has been and will be in your life. Allow Jesus to affirm your character and calling so that you can continue to run the race set before you. Thank Jesus for the promise that when we hope in Him, our hope will never be put to shame.

Song: Yes I Will- Vertical Worship

Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/169Fs68hROYRdS362T8D9w

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