It Starts With Me

Luke 5
    This past week, my family and I were able to take some time away and go camping at a local campground. My girls are still young enough to need a nap during the afternoon so this provided me with a good time to do some studying. While doing some reading in the beginning of Luke and listening to some music a song came on that I had not heard in a while. TobyMac released a song a couple years ago titled Starts With Me featuring Aaron Cole. The song is talking about making a change; specifically citing a change in how people view other races. That is not exactly where my mind went when I heard the lyrics. Instead I started thinking about what could start with me? There are so many decisions that we have made or choose to make that can have a cascading effect on our families or those around us. Something that started with me was that my brother and I were the first people in our family to graduate from college and that’s just one example. Maybe you are the first person in your family to be baptized? Maybe you’re the first person in your family to not be dependent on drugs or alcohol? Maybe you are choosing to get into better shape physically? Or maybe you are the first person or family in your circle to truly live out your faith? Throughout your life you have those moments where you choose to make a change from how you were raised or what you were taught. Just because our parents or grandparents have done something a certain way does not mean it is the best way. We have to be bold enough to know when we need to start something new. That can be a small tweak or a massive shift in our lives spiritually. I was reminded of that in my reading when I was in Luke chapter 5 where Jesus called his first disciples. After listening to Jesus and seeing Him perform a miracle, verse 11 says “So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him”. I would classify that as a major shift!

            What starts with you does not have to be a drastic decision to make a huge difference in our families’ or friends lives. I think it is easy to forget how powerful our influence can be when we are intentional about our faith and spirituality. I challenge you to start something. What are you going to start that will have a lasting effect on your family and friends?

Brandon Neill shared this devotional at the weekly Fellowship 5K.  Join us on Wednesdays at 6:30 at the Collegeside playground to spend time running and/or walking together.  After our 30 minute run/walk we spend time hearing a devotional from different speakers.






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