Kidside Children's Lesson

Starting about 1,000 years before Jesus, God gave his people kings to rule over them. Some of these kings were particularly good, like King David. Many more were not so good. They became more concerned with their own power and success than with the welfare of God's people and giving honor to God. Perhaps the worst of those Kings was Ahab and his wife Jezebel. Jezebel led Ahab and many Israelites, to become worshippers of Baal. God did have one very faithful servant in the days of Ahab, a prophet named Elijah. God spoke through Elijah to announce a drought and famine that lasted many years. Our story today reveals how the drought ended.

Watch the Children's Lesson on YouTube.

Read 1 Kings 18:16-24 1.

  1. During times of drought, people will put faith in many places hoping to find help. What are some of the places you, or people around you, are placing faith during this time of pandemic? What questions would you like to ask God right now? Do not be afraid to ask God hard questions! He is big enough to handle our concerns and confusion. 
  2.  How do you think Elijah felt when he confronted evil King Ahab? What would it be like to be the only prophet of God when hundreds of others were opposing God to your face? As a follower of God, do you ever feel alone? 

Read 1 Kings 18:25-29

  1. Elijah taunts and mocks the prophets of Baal. Perhaps Baal was "thinking deeply, busy, traveling or asleep." What did Elijah really believe about Baal? What have you put your faith in that turned out to not be 'real'? Why is it hard to accept that something you put your faith in isn't really true? 

Read 1 Kings 18:30-39

  1.  What did Elijah do to make it harder for YHWH to succeed in this contest? (water) Talk about this demonstration of God's power. What would it have been like to witness this?  
  2. How do you desire God to show His power today? How hard is it to keep faith when you do not see God moving? In these difficult days of Covid, are there small or hidden places in which you see the evidence of God's love and concern? 

This Week's Challenge: At the end of this story, God brings rain. The event on Mt. Carmel proves to everyone that it is not Baal (the storm God) that ends the drought, but YHWH the God of Israel, the God of all. Three years is a long time to go without rain. Think about how Elijah kept faith and connection with God through this time. Go back and read 1 Kings 17. Talk about how God continued to be with Elijah through the hard times, and how this teaches us that in the midst of a long struggle, God is with us even now.
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