Be There In Calm And Chaos

We all have responsibility. Whether through work, family, or community, responsibility comes from God. Luke 12:47-48 discusses the consequences for not taking care of one’s responsibility. Luke 12:47-48 also discusses the great blessings in accepting and managing them in faith.

The question is:  “Are we walking faithfully into the unknowns and prayerfully being there for those that God has placed us with?” Work, home, community, and daily interactions all add to the opportunities God is giving for growth.

Some relationships are toxic and require more prayer and wisdom from God.  Do we have a genuine commitment to those around us to lead in the toughest of times?

This week, the challenge is to be present. Be engaged. Be compassionate. Be interested. Listen. Then share good news.

Proverbs 15:30: Bright Eyes Gladden the Heart; Good news puts fat on the bones.

We all remember people who genuinely care. We want to spend time with them. God has given us the best example of love in Jesus. We have good news to share in what God is doing in our lives. We have strong purpose for life.

What if we all greeted each other with bright eyes and good news among the chaos? What if we held that attitude among the responsibilities that we all have?

Would the world be different? Would God be glorified as He is the source of all good things?

Let’s be there in the calm and in the chaos to represent Him with those He has placed us with.

Praying blessings your way.
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