
Next week we resume our time of prayer and praise together at BFL. This blog was started so that we could remained focused on Him during a time when the world wanted us to be separated. We have reflected and looked into the future over the last several weeks. I am thankful that we will all be back together at 4pm on October 7th. For this finale…
There is a new song out by We The Kingdom entitled “Cages”. Search for it on YouTube and check it out.

It begins with several “What if” questions about honesty and transparency. It transitions to stepping out of the mess and into what God has spoken as truth for the future. We all live in a cage at times, and God speaks freedom into our lives through Jesus. I particularly like the following verse:

What if I got new armor?
What if I swung my sword?
What if I face my demons
Like I've never done before?
What if I hung my banner?
What if I chose a side?
What if I knew I couldn't lose this time?

We have armor (Ephesians 6:13).  We have a sword (Ephesians 6:17).  Jesus is more powerful than demons (Mark 5:13).  We are new creations (2 Cor. 5:17).

The Lord is our Banner (Exodus 17:15).  He has chosen us (John 15:16).  We will never be defeated in Jesus (John 3:16).

Go out, be bold, and break free from the cages of the Devil’s schemes. Be free in Jesus.

Praying blessings your way.
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