Growing In The Knowledge Of Jesus

When I was growing up there was a floating wooden swimming pool in Dale Hollow Lake. That was where I learned to swim. I learned when an older cousin threw me in the pool. In my mind it was learn to swim out or drown. I learned at that very moment. Because of that event I understand why youngsters are afraid of getting in water when it is over their head. However, I did not learn to swim well until I had a few more lessons. And I guess I learned over time to swim much better than I could have imagined.
Our spiritual journey with Jesus is very similar. We jump in over our heads the day we make our commitment and are baptized. We know just enough about Jesus to begin the journey. But we start spending time with Jesus and get to know Him better. We clearly understand that He loves us. We learn how to worship and pray as a result we draw closer and closer to Him. The more time we spend with Jesus and His Word the better "swimmer" we become. I suppose that is why Peter admonished us to "grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ." (II Peter 3:18)
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